The weekend before last, in Adelaide against the Adrenaline, Casey Kubara scored his 231st Australian Ice Hockey League point and became the all-time leading scorer for the Canberra Brave. That assist on Kai Miettinen’s 3rd period goal on the Saturday took him past import Stephen Blunden’s tally of 230 points to own the record in the team’s 10th anniversary season.
In taking ownership of this record, Casey joined five other current players that hold the records for most points with an AIHL team.
Since he joined the AIHL on May 5th, 2012 (in his only game as an Ice Dog), Casey has established himself as one of the best players in the league – local or import. Here, we take a look at how those (now) 235 points breakdown.
Who has he scored against?
As you would expect from a high-quality player that averages over 1.6 points per game overall – he doesn’t have a weak record against any AIHL team. Over a point per game against all opponents, with the strongest per-game rate against the Rhinos (2.750 points-per-game, in an admittedly small sample) and Adrenaline (2.529 points-per-game). Overall, he averages over two points per game against four opponents – with a clear bias to the front-end of the alphabet!
Figure 1: Casey Kubara’s points-per-game against each AIHL opponent

At the other end of the ledger, the Mustangs (1.050 points-per-game) and Thunder (1.118 points-per-game) have been relatively successful at keeping him off the scoresheet.
In overall terms, the picture is much the same as shown in Table 1. Interestingly, his old side, Sydney Ice Dogs, is the only opponent where Casey has more goals than assists.
Table 1: Casey Kubara’s AIHL record versus each opponent

Where has he scored?
Unsurprisingly, he has scored the most at home in Canberra, with 132 of his 235 points coming at the Brave Cave. Other than home, the happiest hunting grounds have been in Macquarie and at the O’Brien Icehouse, where he has 22 points apiece.
Table 2: Casey Kubara’s AIHL record at each venue

Looking at a period-by-period split of the scoring shows the consistency in scoring as well – 77 points in the first, 71 in the second and 87 in the third.
Who leads for your team?
While we are looking at the Brave’s all-time leading scorer, who are the other five players around the AIHL who own the scoring records for teams? And, which AIHL legend is (technically, shut up) the leading scorer for two AIHL teams?
Table 3: All-time leading point scorer for each AIHL team

One to watch on this list is the Melbourne Ice record – with Lliam Webster only 6 points behind Tommy Powell’s 467-point tally. Interestingly, 5 of the current top-scorers are still active at their teams, plus Mustangs record-holder, Jamie Bourke, who has moved back down the corridor to the Ice.
Unsurprisingly, Greg Oddy is the leading scorer for both the Adrenaline, and the Adelaide Avalanche, as well as the league as a whole – with almost 600 points since the 2000 season which is considered the league’s first.
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