Canberra Brave

  • Clickin’ Tenders

    One of the hot topics in any AIHL season is always goaltending. In the first half of the 2024 AIHL season, we have seen some incredible goaltending – from…

    Tristan Metcalfe Avatar
  • Around the AIHL – Round 11

    Upsets, close games, blowouts, round 11 of Australian Ice Hockey League (AIHL) action had it all and more. Here’s a quick trip around the league where the results have…

    Gordon Goodenough Avatar
  • Around the AIHL – Round 10

    Nine games were played across the weekend in the Australian Ice Hockey League (AIHL). Records were broken, a top of the table clash did not disappoint, and there was…

    Gordon Goodenough Avatar
  • Canberra Brave Mid-Season Report Card

    Canberra Brave mid-season report card – C- (Getting by, but not by much) After coming within a goal of back-to-back Cups in 2023, it is fair to say that…

    Tristan Metcalfe Avatar
  • Five for Writing: AIHL Week 9

    Another massive weekend in the Australian Ice Hockey League (AIHL) as crowds once again packed out ice rinks across the country. We have a team chasing down the pack,…

    Andrew Macdougall Avatar
  • Derby Days: Brave score vital win

    The Canberra Brave score vital win against rivals Sydney Bears in the first match-up between the two teams in 2024. The 5-3 victory had big impacts on each team’s…

    Sean O'Connor Avatar
  • Around the AIHL – Round 9

    Round nine of Australian Ice Hockey League (AIHL) action delivered some surprising results and close contests. Hockey Hype Australia takes a quick look at the results around the league….

    Gordon Goodenough Avatar
  • Casey Kubara by the numbers

    The weekend before last, in Adelaide against the Adrenaline, Casey Kubara scored his 231st Australian Ice Hockey League point and became the all-time leading scorer for the Canberra Brave….

    Tristan Metcalfe Avatar
  • Northstars split points against Brave and Bears

    Newcastle Northstars secured three points in their 4-2 win over Canberra Brave on Saturday night and fell short of the top of the conferences clash going down to the…

    Courtney Kynaston Avatar
  • Five for Writing: AIHL Week 8

    It was the Mega Round in the Australian Ice Hockey League (AIHL) with 10-games and multiple storylines. Unfortunately we can only fit five into this article at once. The…

    Andrew Macdougall Avatar